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Ventura, R., & Medina-Bravo, P. (2018). Implementació de la LLEI 11/2014 en l'àrea de Comunicació de la UPF: resultats de projectes pilot. Paper presented at: III Jornades del Centre d’Estudis de Gènere (CEdGE) de la UPF. Barcelona (Spain), 30 October 2018.

Ventura, R., Guerrero-Pico, M., & Establés, M.J. (2018). Fan Voices Together in Resistance to the Misrepresentation of Queer Women on TV: Online Protest Campaigns against the Dead Lesbian Syndrome. Paper presented at: 68th Annual ICA Conference, “Voices”. Prague (Czech Republic), 24-28 May 2018.

Fedele, M., Masanet, M.J., & Ventura, R. (2018). Teen, Love and Sexual Stereotypes in the Spain: heteronormative and patriarchal models. Paper presented at: International Communication Association: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Interest Group 2018 Preconference. Prague (Czech Republic), 24 May 2018.

Ventura, R., Rodrigo-Alsina, M., & Medina-Bravo, P. (2017). Gay parenting in the media: in a crossroads. Paper presented at: IV European Geographies of Sexualities Conference. Barcelona (Spain), 13-15/9/2017.

Ventura, R., Fedele, M., Masanet, M.J., & Medina-Bravo, P. (2017). Perpetuation of gender stereotypes in love and sexual relationships: Heteronormativity in TV series consumed by young people. Paper presented at: IAMCR 2017: “Transforming Culture, Politics & Communication: New media, new territories, new discourses”. Cartagena (Colombia), 16-20/7/2017.

Ventura, R. (2017). Gay reproductive practices: Media and social attitudes formation. Paper presented at: XI IASSCS Conference: “Breaking Boundaries. Sexuality, Gender, Reproduction, Health and Rights” Bangkok (Thailand). 12-15/7/2017.

Ventura, R. (2017). LGBT issues and the media: an experts analysis of the panorama in Spain. Paper presented at: Barcelona International Critical PR Conference #7. Barcelona (Spain). 3-4/7/2017.

Guerrero-Pico, M., Establés, M.J., & Ventura, R. (2017). Representación del amor lésbico, polémicas fan-productor, y mecanismos de autorregulación en el fandom LGBTI de la serie juvenil The 100. Paper presented at: International congress about new narratives. Between information and fiction: from deregulation to transmedia integration. Barcelona (Spain), 3-5/7/2017.

 Guerrero-Pico, M., Establés, M.J., & Ventura, R. (2017). “Don’t call Jason Rothenberg JRat, it’s too close to an antisemitic slur”: Fighting against the ‘Dead Lesbian Syndrome’ trope and fan self-policing in The 100 LGBT fandom. Paper presented at: The Fan Studies Network 2017 Conference. Huddersfield (United Kingdom), 24-25/6/2017.

Ventura, R. (2017). Framing effects: Attitudes toward gay paternity and surrogacy. Paper presented at: II Jornades del Centre d’Estudis de Gènere (CEdGE) de la UPF. Barcelona (Spain), 29/3/2017.

Ventura, R., Roca-Cuberes, C., & Gómez-Puertas, L. (2016). Gay surrogacy in media: TV news representation of a reproductive method for homosexual parenting. Paper presented at: ECREA  2016 - 6th European Communication Conference (ECC): “Mediating (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures”. Prague (Czech Republic), 9-12/11/2016.

Ventura, R. (2016). Audiencia LGBT y sus percepciones sobre los "media safe spaces". Paper presented at: Congreso Iberoamericano de Comunicación AE-IC 2016: Comunicación, cultura y Cooperación. Madrid (Spain), 4-8/7/2016.

Masanet, M.J., Fedele, M., & Ventura, R. (2016). “Creo en las relaciones sanas, pero prefiero el amor romántico”: Estereotipos amorosos y de género en las preferencias de consumo juvenil de ficción televisiva. Paper presented at: Congreso Iberoamericano de Comunicación AE-IC 2016: Comunicación, cultura y Cooperación. Madrid (Spain), 4-8/7/2016.

Ventura, R. (2016). ¿Cómo se investiga la heteronormatividad en la comunicación? Paper presented at: I Jornades del Centre d’Estudis de Gènere (CEdGE) de la UPF. Barcelona (Spain), 9/3/2016.

Ventura, R. (2015). Heteronormatividad y medios: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la investigación de la diversidad sexual en la comunicación. Paper presented at: CUICIID 2015: “Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la comunicación en la profesión y en la Universidad de hoy: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia”. Caracas (Venezuela), 21-22/10/2015.

Gómez-Puertas, L.; Ventura, R. & Roca-Cuberes, C. (2015). Contribución de los informativos al imaginario colectivo donde el otro es mujer y/o extranjero. Paper presented at: CUICIID 2015: “Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre la comunicación en la profesión y en la Universidad de hoy: Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia”. Caracas (Venezuela), 21-22/10/2015.

Ventura, R. (2015). Framing sexualities in Spanish press: Coverage of sexual identities in La Vanguardia (1881-2014). Paper presented at: ECREA Gender and Communication Symposium: “Media (in)visibility:Gender and sexual diversity in European popular media culture”. Tarragona (Spain), 16-17/10/2015.

Fedele, M., Ventura, R., Masanet, MJ. & Medina-Bravo, P. (2015). Young people’s stereotypes related to love and sexual relationships: preliminary findings from a study on young people, love and fiction programmes carried out in Spain. Paper presented at: ECREA Gender and Communication Symposium: “Media (in)visibility:Gender and sexual diversity in European popular media culture”. Tarragona (Spain), 16-17/10/2015.

Ventura, R. (2015). Media safe spaces: An audience research proposal on LGBT media uses and consumption. Paper presented at: III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference: "Crossing boundaries: sexualities, media and (urban) spaces”. Rome (Italy), 16-18/09/2015.

Masanet, MJ., Ventura, R., Fedele, M. & Medina-Bravo, P. (2015). The Role of Fiction Series in Sex-Affective Literacy. Paper presented at: X IASSCS Conference: “Literacies and Sexualities in Cultural, Fictional, Real, and Virtual Worlds: Past, Present, Future Perfect?”. Dublin (Ireland), 17-20/06/2015.

Ventura, R. (2014). Heteronormativity in the informative discourse of Spanish television newscasts. Paper presented at: IAMCR Conference 2014: "Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward”. Hyderabad (India), 15-19/07/2014.

Ventura, R. & Vaz, I. (2014). La identidad transexual infantil: Estudio del caso Málaga en Paper presented at: II International Conference Gender and Communication. Sevilla (Spain), 1-3/04/2014.

Ventura, R. (2014). Best practice in a culturally and socially effective communication. The representation of homosexuality in the ‘Física o Química’ Series. Paper presented at: AE-IC: IV International Conference. Bilbao (Spain), 21-24/01/2014.