Back TIDE in the FLED project

TIDE in the FLED project


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TIDE is developing the FLeD tool, a teacher community for learning and sharing ideas, experiences and resources for decision-making in flipped learning design. A demo paper of the tool has been just accepted for presentation at the ECTEL:

Albó, L., Noguera, I., Hernandez-Leo, D., Agostini, D., Afonso, A.,  (2024) FLeD learning design tool: scaffolding flexible learning scenarios through the use of flipped learning patterns. 19th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. Krems, Austria. 

The tool is developed in the context of the FLED project, and TIDE hosted last April a transnational meeting. TIDE has been also active disseminating the FLED project, for example in recent keynotes by Davinia Hernández-Leo, at InovaEduBr Summit 2024 (150 participants) and ICCE 2023 (>400 participants).





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