Vés enrere Award for Reproducibility in Software in Bachelor's Thesis in Spain

Award for Reproducibility in Software in Bachelor's Thesis in Spain

María de Maeztu Award for Reproducibility in Software in Bachelor's thesis in Spain launched, in the context of the ETIC-UPF Best Bachelor's Thesis in ICT in Spain.



An objective of the María de Maeztu Strategic Research Program is “to increase the impact of our research by increasing the impact of the publications, datasets and software tools, and take advantage of this impact to establish and consolidate partnerships”. It includes actions to promote that the research results, datasets and tools are discoverable, interpretable and reusable, including the publication of the data and software together with the publications.


In this context, and with the aim to promote the discussion and implementation of mechanisms that foster the reproducibility of software in the Spanish university environment, the program launches the María de Maeztu Award for Reproducibility in Software in Bachelor thesis, for Bachelor thesis presented in Spanish Universities in 2014-15 and 2015-16.


This award is part of the II Award for Best Bachelor's Thesis in ICT in Spain (Premio ETIC-UPF al mejor Trabajo Final de Grado realizado en España en TICs), organized by the Deparment.






ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
