Final TFG presentations, course 2023-24

Open sessions from 1st - 5th of July

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Back A delegation from the University of Paris-Seine visits UPF in the framework of the EUTOPIA project

A delegation from the University of Paris-Seine visits UPF in the framework of the EUTOPIA project

Led by its rector, François Germinet, they visited the University last week with the aim of creating synergies in the field of higher education and building strong international partnerships.


Imatge inicial

The meeting, part of the Eutopia project, was held so that the representatives of the two institutions could explore ways of working together. For this purpose, bilateral meetings were organized with the different fields of knowledge at UPF: political and social sciences, health and life sciences, communication, economics and business, engineering and information and communication technologies, humanities, and translation and language sciences.

Bilateral meetings were organized with the different fields of knowledge at UPF within the framework of the meeting with the delegation from Paris.

Visits to several unique spaces of the University were also scheduled, such as the Workshops Area of the Poblenou campus, which is undergoing transformation, and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB).

Finally, the visit also served to introduce to the delegation of University of Paris-Seine two strategic projects that UPF is currently developing.  Josep Lluís Martí, vice-rector for innovation projects, explained EDvolució, the project to completely renovate and update UPF’s model of education; Pablo Pareja, commissioner for UPF student academic career, presented UPForward, the project that seeks to give order and coherence to every student’s passage through the University, from before their arrival until after graduation, when they become alumni.

EUTOPIA, a new generation of European alliance of universities

The University of Paris-Seine, Vrije University Brussels, University of Warwick, University of Ljubljana, University of Gothenburg and Pompeu Fabra University are the six member institutions of the network.

Eutopia aims to boost its mission of operating as a network of European campuses facing global challenges through collaborative research, greater student and staff mobility, and shared innovations that serve a broader public than that of their regional communities.

The alliance unites more than 165,000 students and 30,000 staff members from six countries, with 90,000 international students associated through the partner universities. Together, the EUTOPIA universities have research centres in 760 different areas of knowledge.

The six partner universities are working together to modernize education and training, and provide the skills for the twenty-first century in all European regions. Hence, they have opted for the new competitive call “European Universities Initiative” launched by the European Commission to build a European Education Area. 




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF


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