Sota el segell del NODE UPF la Universitat presenta totes les a activitats que fa de transferència de coneixement per posar en valor i donar a conèixer la UPF com a universitat altament compromesa amb l’entorn social i econòmic, que posa el seu potencial de recerca i de talent al servei del desenvolupament i el creixement econòmic del país.

Back Seven master’s degrees of UPF Group are among the best in Spain, according to the “El Mundo” ranking

Seven master’s degrees of UPF Group are among the best in Spain, according to the “El Mundo” ranking

The “250 masters” ranking includes three programmes organized by the University (Bioinformatics for Health Sciences, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, and Public Health), three by UPF-BSM (Public and Social Policies, Communication Management, and Literary Creation) and one by the IBEI (International Relations).




Three master’s degrees taught by Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), three by the Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) and one by the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI) have been included in the “250 masters” ranking, published annually by the newspaper El Mundo.

This list, which includes postgraduate programmes and an MBA guide, aims to present the degrees in greatest demand, their career opportunities and the most prestigious universities and business schools in the field of higher education in Spain.

For its preparation, the paper has reviewed a thousand programmes of postgraduate studies in 50 specialities (belonging to fifteen fields of knowledge), from which the top five institutions of the Spanish state have been selected thus totalling 250 master’s degrees.

The seven UPF Group master’s degrees selected

Among the master’s degree programmes taught by UPF centres that appear in the rankings, one comes in second position, two in third, two in fourth, and two in fifth place.

Second place is held by the  master’s degree in Public Health, taught jointly by UPF, through the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS), as coordinating centre, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, within the specialist category of “Public Health and Emergencies” in the field of Health.

Of the seven UPF Group master’s degrees, one is in second position, two in third, two in fourth, and two in fifth.

In third place are the master’s degrees in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences, jointly organized by DCEXS-UPF (the coordinator) and the University of Barcelona, in the category of “Biotechnology” in the Science and Technology area; and the  master’s degree in Literary Creation, by UPF-BSM, in the “Arts” block in the field of Humanities.

A further two master’s degrees are in fourth place: the master’s degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, organized by the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at UPF, within the “Languages” speciality of the Education section, the master’s degree in Public and Social Policies, of UPF-BSM, within Political Science and Public Administration.

Finally, the two programmes in fifth place are the master’s degree in International Relations, taught by the IBEI, within the “International Studies” speciality in the field of the Social Sciences, and the  master’s degree in Communication Management, of UPF-BSM, in the “Information business” speciality in the Communication section.

To draw up this ranking, El Mundo enjoyed the collaboration of some 800 professors and expertsalumni and business partners, who performed their analysis based on a total of 25 selection criteria, divided into five sections: Master’s degree demand, Human resources, Syllabus, Results, and Material means.

Pages of the ranking that include master’s degrees by UPF Group (8 pages)

Complete ranking (16 pages)



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