Sota el segell del NODE UPF la Universitat presenta totes les a activitats que fa de transferència de coneixement per posar en valor i donar a conèixer la UPF com a universitat altament compromesa amb l’entorn social i econòmic, que posa el seu potencial de recerca i de talent al servei del desenvolupament i el creixement econòmic del país.

Back UPF continues at the top of U-Multirank

UPF continues at the top of U-Multirank

If we search through a comprehensive approach, the University ranks first in Spain and a dozen European level, the 2016 edition of this multidimensional tool developed by the EU.


The European Union recently presented the third edition of U-Multirank, a multidimensional tool for evaluating the activity of universities created in 2014 with the aim of moving away from rankings and lists of “closed” classifications of higher education centres.

In this third edition, if we perform a search with a broad criterion -EU universities teaching undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programmes- and without modifying the indicators that are already set up in the tool by default, of a total of 625 universities, UPF comes in 12th position in Europe, and is the first Spanish university.

Highlighting UPF’s position, the ranking’s main novelties compared to last year are the increase in the number of institutions analysed (from 1,200 to 1,300); the increase in the disciplines studied (from seven to thirteen); the inclusion, for the first time, of disciplines in the field of the social sciences, such as history, sociology and social work/welfare, and the higher number of countries represented (from 82 to 93).

A tool that allows performing customized user searches

The particularity of the U-Multirank is that it allows the user to choose the parameters for selection. So, for example, you can select universities according to their size (small, medium, large); the type of degrees they teach (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorates); the revenue they devote to research; their origin (filtered by continent, country or region), etc.

The user can choose up to 12 indicators and the tool performs the search automatically only from among the universities that meet these requirements.

Subsequently, the application evaluates the activity of the selected institutions based on five items (teaching, research, technology transfer, internationalization and regional engagement) and up to 31 indicators, that the user can also choose.

Moreover, the tool allows consulting the results in three different ways. The “students” option allows you to locate a university in accordance with the interests of the user; the “compare” option allows you to view the comparison of two or more universities according to the interests of the user and, finally, the “at a glance” option allows you to consult the profile of a university (UPF profile).


SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
