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2024 (15)

Buckingham Shum S.; Martinez-Maldonado R.; Dimitriadis Y.; Santos P.. Human-Centred Learning Analytics: 2019¿24. British Journal of Educational Technology 2024.

Ruiz-García A, López Álvarez M, Hernández-Leo D. Engineering ethics mindset: fostering cognitive change in ICT studies. Crossref; 2024.

Tassani S, Chaves P, Beardsley M, Vujovic M, Ramírez J, Mendoza J, Portero-Tresserra M, González-Ballester MA, Hernández-Leo D. Breathing, postural stability, and psychological health: a study to explore triangular links. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2024; 12.

Ortega-Arranz A, Amarasinghe I, Martínez-Monés A, Asensio-Pérez JI, Dimitriadis Y, Corrales-Astorgano M, Hernández-Leo D. Collaborative Activities in Hybrid Learning Environments: Exploring Teacher Orchestration Load and Students' Perceptions. Computers and Education 2024; 219.