Back Debate - Encoding Creativity: Ethical Challenges of Generative AI with Roser Batlle

Debate - Encoding Creativity: Ethical Challenges of Generative AI with Roser Batlle

On Thursday, May 30, at the Cibernàrium Barcelona within its Artificial Intelligence lecture series



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In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in our daily lives, fundamental questions arise about the impacts and ethical and social dilemmas that this technology entails. This panel will discuss the challenges presented by the advancement of AI in human creativity, providing us with the opportunity to understand better how Generative AI is changing the creative landscape and what legal, social, and ethical challenges accompany this change. Generative AI is a new work tool, but it remains to be seen what its impact will be on authorship rights, how we can avoid the reproduction of gender biases and stereotypes, and how it can coexist with human creativity. The participants are:

  • Anabel Arias, expert in digital rights at CECU
  • Marta G. Franco, expert in digital rights and member of the Board of Directors at Algorights
  • Roser Batlle Roca, researcher at the UPF-Music Technology Group
  • The debate will be moderated by Thais Ruiz de Alda, founder of Digitalfems.

Thu. 05/30/24 (6:00 PM - 7:30 PM)

Aula virtual

Language: Spanish

More details and registration:



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