Back 28-11-2023 Amazon Research. Machine learning that powers Amazon Alexa. Opportunities for industrial interns.

28-11-2023 Amazon Research. Machine learning that powers Amazon Alexa. Opportunities for industrial interns.



  • Title: Machine learning that powers Amazon Alexa
  • Name of the speakers: Antonio Bonafonte (Senior ML scientist), Guillermo Cambara Ruiz (ML scientist), Elena Sokolova (ML science manager)
  • 28th November 2023, 15:30h.
    Room 55.309 / Zoom
  • In this presentation you will learn how machine learning is applied in industrial settings at scale. We will explain how Alexa works and what ML algorithms enable you to get a reply in less than a second. We will also talk about opportunities for students in Amazon and the hiring process for internships 2024.


Following its success, the seminar takes place regularly. New edition June 10th 2024, registration form



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