MujeresTech Summit 2017

MujeresTech organizes the MujeresTech Summit within the GirlsGoICT celebration on April 27th, with events in Madrid and Barcelona.

In Barcelona, we will focus on increasing the visibility of the many women currently advancing and applying Data Science to high-impact areas.

In addition, you will be able to get to know future activities such as the new Mathematical Engineering Degree in Data Science, the Summer course "Girls in Data Science" (3rd and 4rd ESO students) - among many other interesting tech summer courses for girls and boys - the launch of the 2017 edition of the Wisibilízalas contest, and the GirlsTech actions for 10-12 year girls.

FORMULARIO de registro escuelas e institutos

Programa (Spanish):

10:00 - 10:45: Room Escape: actividad en la que se resolverán enigmas a contrarreloj para poder salir de una habitación.

    80 estudiantes (chicos y chicas) de instituto (preferiblemente 1-2 bachillerato, formulario reserva). Sala Polivalente.

11:00 - 12:00  MTechTalk (Institutos registrados y público general - no es necesario registro). Auditorio.

Modera: Ana Freire, profesora DTIC-UPF, Web Research Group y promotora del Grado en Ingeniería Matemática en Ciencia de Datos

  • Cápsula Data Science - ejemplos de aplicación
  • Lauren Romeo - Lead NLP Scientist, Tekstum (tecnología para la industria editorial, slides)
  • Sandra García - Data Scientist, Schibsted (sistemas de recomendación, slides)
  • Noèlia Soleres - Senior Technology Expert, SAP (plataformas de Big Data e Internet of Things)

Campus Comunicació (Roc Boronat 138, 08018, Barcelona, mapa)

Thanks to the support of the program