En aquests apartats trobareu staff training weeks que poden ser d'interès per al PAS i/o el PDI, tan pel contingut com també per conèixer les institucions sòcies amb les que compartim xarxa  () com ara les d' EUTOPIAthe GUILD, ALEUESS  i  xarxa EUROPAEUM 

Si teniu interès a participar en les presencials, prèviament cal que us poseu en contacte amb [email protected], ja que poden ser finançades amb els fons Erasmus+ sempre i quan reuneixin els requisits de les convocatòries i la comissió de selecció ho validi a través de resolució.



(poden ser finançades amb les beques Erasmus+ )


 13th Erasmus Staff Training Week & 6th Library Staff Training Week ,14-18 October, 2024 Website
International (Erasmus+ Programme, Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme, Higher education internationalization, e-University, Student Services)

Library (Library Services, Digitalization, Library Services for Persons with Disabilities, Innovation in Libraries, Scholarly Communication)

Application period: 15th of May to the 1st of July, 2024


 European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) Germany , between June 12th - 14th 2024, Staff Training Week,

Theme:   "Overcoming challenges in International Higher Education" Website // Preliminary Programe ( Generational conflicts, Digitalization,  Communication strategies)

Application deadline: April 9th 2024

 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia., between 13 - 17 May 2024, International Erasmus+ Staff Week, Beyond Books: Shaping Academic Libraries for the Future. EUTOPIA PARTNERs

We would like to invite colleagues from partner universities to participate in the blended intensive programme, which will be held at the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Theme: Beyond Books: Shaping Academic Libraries for the Future

Topics: Transforming Academic Libraries for the New Era, Research Support in Academic Libraries, User-Centered Library Architecture, Workspaces, and Equipment, Education Services Library Support

Target group: Professionals from academic institutions (Academic Librarians, Open Science and Science Dissemination specialists...)

Main objectives: Peer learning, networking, knowledge transfer and sharing of experiences and best practices among colleagues. Participants will have the opportunity to bring examples from their own institutions to the discussion and present best practices or innovative approaches to the topics covered.

Application deadline: 24 March 2024



 University of Bremen, Germany, between 22 - 26 April 2024, International Erasmus+ Staff Week, Diversity in Higher Education Institutions: Different perspectives and Experiences.

Blended intensive programme,  Incoming Staff Mobility - Universität Bremen (uni-bremen.de)

Theme:  Diversity in Higher Education Institutions: Different perspectives and Experiences

Topics: Hi ha dos línies de treball: 
.diversitat: The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities /Diversity and Campus Culture/Diversity Audit Initiative – Lessons Learned/ Presentation of the Project BIG (A Bridge between Internationalization and Gender)

.per biblioteques:  programa 

Target group: Professionals from academic institutions (Academic Librarians, Open Science and Science Dissemination specialists...)

Application deadline: 31 January 2024

 Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between  08 - 12 April 2024 and the virtual component will be organized in December 2023..  EUTOPIA PARTNERs

The training event is designed for university staff working at the Erasmus+ offices of our EUTOPIA partners, however select members from EUTOPIA universities interested in the topic will also be able to attend.  This event will be an opportunity to participate in seminars, workshops and social events meant to facilitate exchange of good practices, discuss topics related to managing of the new Erasmus+ program opportunities, strengthen partnerships between universities and explore new contacts.  Provisional programme of the event.

Participation in the event is free of charge. However, participants are expected to cover the travel, accommodation and living expenses through the Erasmus+ fund for staff training mobility (STT) available in their home institutions.

Registration:  until December 4th 2023
Contacte: RAMONA-MARIA ONCIU <[email protected]>
Link for enrolement

► Vrije Universiteit Brussel VUB 1st International Days, between 18 and 19 October 2023 EUTOPIA PARTNER

This event will run across two days: the first one will be focused on staff and the second one on students. One of the things we would really like to try this year is giving more visibility to EUTOPIA, not only as a mobility destination but also as a pool of partners for projects and collaborations on academic and administrative level. For this reason, we would love to invite directly the EUTOPIA partners to join us to learn more about VUB and represent their own university to our staff and students. We would reserve a space to the EUTOPIA partners during our fairs where students and colleagues check out the booths.

Now, as we want to make the best out of this time together and make sure that it is a valuable opportunity for you all and EUTOPIA as a network, we would like to add a third day (outside of the official programme) for us to meet and discuss mobility and/or project related matters.

Deadline for registration:  10th September 2023  Preliminary programme and application form .
PAOLA MUREDDU, Erasmus+ Project Coordinator EUTOPIA European & Global Engagement, Pleinlaan 2 - 1050 Brussel - 

 Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 22 and 26 May 2023.  EUTOPIA PARTNER
No hi ha programa, només indiquen l'objectiu: project management "...Facilitate exchange of good practices, discuss topics related to managing of international projects, strengthen partnerships between universities and explore new contacts"
Contacte: [email protected] 

 NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) EUTOPIA PARTNER
Integration of the international community (students, teaching staff and researchers) at your HEI and intercultural communication. The program will be sent to the selected candidates at a later stage.
From 22nd to 26th May 2023.
E-mail: welcome@fcsh.unl.pt | web: www.fcsh.unl.pt

Només per a PAS

 University of Amsterdam (UvA) and University of Edinburgh , between 18 and 22 September 2023.  
"The dynamic world of study abroad’, Webpage
Deadline for registration:  From 1st  March to  20th April 2023. Results of the application procedure will be announced by  May 2023.
International Office AUC | Study Abroad & Exchange <[email protected]>

► The sixth EUTOPIA Week in Ljubljana
This EUTOPIA week will be a tribute to the last three years of work and partnership in the EUTOPIA2050 project, and mark the beginning of the new challenges that will come with EUTOPIA MORE. November 21st-25th  2022 PAS-PDI

► International Staff Training Week- Università degli Studi di Padua 
“Experimenting with Mobility: what works best to stimulate internationalisation?”

12 to 14 October, 2022

Deadline for registration:  1 Septembre, 2022



Si vols fer la cerca de noves opcions, pots fer-ho a través del cercador Imotion