IBÁÑEZ, Socorro & TRENCHS PARERA, Mireia. (2024). "Undegraduates' Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence in the Context of a European Internationalized University. Relationship with their EFL Self-Concept from a longitudinal perspective". The 33rd Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA). Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier. 3 al 6 de juliol. https://eurosla33.sciencesconf.org/

TRENCHS PARERA, Mireia. (2024). "Presenting the INCLU-LINGUAM research project on language policies and inclusion in an internationalized university in Barcelona." 2024 English for Academic Purposes conference: “Whose English? Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in English Language Teaching (ELT). Berlin: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin Campus Schöneberg. 15 de juny.

TRENCHS PARERA, Mireia. (2024). "New research project on language policies and inclusion in the internationalized university: Sociolinguistic and educational focus to promote equity, diversity and interculturality" 5th ICLHE Spain Regional Group Symposium: El paper de ICLHE i els reptes de l'ESP: Internacionalització equitativa i sostenible. Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. 13 al 14 de juny. https://esdeveniments.upc.edu/109149/detail/5th-iclhe-spain-regional-group-symposium-barcelona-2024.html 

ANTÓN I ÁLVAREZ DE CIENFUEGOS, Maria. (2024). "La perception des réfugiés à l'égard d'inclusion dans les établissements d'enseignement secondaire en Catalogne". 6è Congrés du Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique. Louvain-la-Neuve. UCLouvain. 28 maig a l'1 de juny. https://rfs2024.sciencesconf.org/

KULYAGINA, Anastasia & SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Ariadna. (2024). "The development of second language (L2) pragmatic competence in digitally mediated communication: a focus on requests and refusals''. XI International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS XI). Universitat Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla. 22-24 de maig. https://eventos.upo.es/100773/detail/xi-international-symposium-on-intercultural-cognitive-and-social-pragmatics-epics-xi-22-24-may-2024.html 

IBÁÑEZ, Socorro & TRENCHS PARERA, Mireia. (2024). "The relationship between EFL Self-Concept and EFL Anxiety over the course of a year: a paired study of 30 first-year students from 100% EMI degrees"9th Spring Research Seminar UIC. UIC Sant Cugat. 22 de març. https://www.uic.es/en/agenda/9th-spring-research-conference-language-learning-multilingual-contexts

IBÁÑEZ, Socorro & TRENCHS PARERA, Mireia. (2024). "Is the certified level of English of first-year undergraduate students a good predictor of their EFL Self-Concept? An exploration of educational experiences". 41er Congrés AESLA. Universitat Politècnica de València. 17 al 19 d'abril. https://aesla2024.upv.es/

KULYAGINA, Anastasia & SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Ariadna. (2024). "The effect of imposition on the production of refusals by L2 learners in digitally mediated communication". 5th International UCM Predoctoral Conference on English Linguistics (UPCEL). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 23 al 24 de gener. https://eventos.ucm.es/103001/detail/language-beyond-boundaries-upcel-2024.html  

KULYAGINA, Anastasia & SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Ariadna. (2024). "The development of second language (L2) pragmatic competence in digitally mediated communication: a focus on requests and refusals". 41er Congrés AESLA. Universitat Politècnica de València. 17 al 19 d'abril. https://aesla2024.upv.es/