Back The project REACT organised the workshop "Com podem entendre i combatre el racisme institucional?" on 29 May!

The project REACT organised the workshop "Com podem entendre i combatre el racisme institucional?" on 29 May!



On Wednesday 29 May, the research-action project REACT (coordinated by GRITIM-UPF with Zenia Hellgren as PI), organized the half-day workshop "Com podem entendre i combatre el racisme institucional?"


Zenia Hellgren given her talk and the audience


Twenty-eight representatives of institutions such as the Catalan Department of Education and Direction for Antiracism, Migration and Refuge; the Catalan police force (Mossos d'Esquadra); the Barcelona City Council's Department for Interculturalism and Religious Pluralism, and Office for Non-Discrimination; the Catalan Ombudsmen at the regional level and the city of Barcelona; the City Council of Sant Adrià de Besós; the universities of Girona and UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and several representatives of CSOs such as Centre Euro Àrab de Catalunya, Diàlegs de Dones, Rosa Sensat, and Associació d'Estudiants Musulmans de la Universitat de Barcelona, participated in debates and work groups with the overall aim to reach consensus around we understand "institutional racism" and how the respective institutions can work towards the mainstreaming of anti-racist perspectives.



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