Vés enrere Travel Grant Raul Parada

Travel Grant Raul Parada



I just came back from my participation at the 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, in Tokyo, Japan. The IEEE RFID-TA conference is technically cosponsored by IEICE-CS, IPSJ, and the IEEE CS Japan Chapter. The conference was organized by the IEEE together with the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID. It held a plenary with the worldwide known speakers Mr. Keita SHIMANUKI, Senior Executive Officer of Logistic Business at Rakuten and Mr. Ram RAMPALLI, Global Head of Content Acquisition at @WalmartLabs.
I have presented both paper and poster during the conference. I had a positive feedback from my paper presentation. As aural presenter, I also had the opportunity of presenting a poster during the poster session. Along the poster session I met a lot of interesting researchers where I got ideas to apply in my future work. Also, I was awarded with the Silver Prize for the best Poster. 

As member of the Ubiquitous Computing Applications Lab, I got a positive experience during the conference and enriched contributions to our research group. Also, our work caught the attention of most the attendances.
Adjunto fotos de la presentació de l'article, de la presentació del pòster i de l'entrega del premi. A més adjunto l'article i pòster.



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