
Escribà-Folch, Abel, Covadonga Meseguer, and Joseph Wright. 2022. Migration and Democracy: How Remittances Undermine Dictatorships. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

*Guanyador del Premi al millor llibre de 2023 de l'American Political Science Association Migration and Citizenship Section.

Apèndix tècnic del llibre

(Enllaç editorial: PUP)


Escribà-Folch, Abel and Joseph Wright. 2015. Foreign Pressure and the Politics of Autocratic Survival. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

*Guanyador del Stein Rokkan Prize 2017 for Comparative Social Science Research

(Enllaç editorial: OUP) (Oxford Scholarship Online) (Google books)



Articles publicats en revistes científiques

Choulis, Ioannis, Abel Escribà-Folch, and Marius Mehrl. 2024. "Preventing Dissent: Secret Police Organizations and Protest in Dictatorships." Journal of Politics, 86(3): 1104-1109. (Link to journal)

Mehrl, Marius and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2023. "The Dictator’s Legionnaires: Foreign Recruitment, Coups, and Uprisings." Democratization, online first: 1-27. (Link to journal)

Timoneda, Joan C., Abel Escribà-Folch, and John Chin. 2023. "The Rush to Personalize: Power Concentration After Failed Coups in Dictatorships." British Journal of Political Science, online first, 53(3): 878-901. (Link to journal)

Choulis, Ioannis, Marius Mehrl, Abel Escribà-Folch, and Tobias Böhmelt. 2023. “How Mechanization Shapes Coups.” Comparative Political Studies, 56(2): 267-296. (Link to journal)

Krcmaric, Daniel and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2023. "I'll Be Back? Exiled Leaders and Political Instability." Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(2-3): 402-427. (Link to journal)

Chin, John, Abel Escribà-Folch, Wonjun Song, and Joseph Wright. 2022. “Reshaping the Threat Environment: Personalism, Coups, and Assassinations.” Comparative Political Studies, 55(4): 657-687. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel, Lala Muradova, and Toni Rodon. 2021. “The Effects of Autocratic Characteristics on Public Opinion towards Democracy Promotion Policies: A Conjoint Analysis.” Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(1): oraa016. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel, Tobias Böhmelt, and Ulrich Pilster. 2020. "Authoritarian Regimes and Civil-Military Relations: Explaining Counterbalancing in Autocracies." Conflict Management and Peace Science, 37(5): 559-579. (Link to journal)

Böhmelt, Tobias, Abel Escribà-Folch, and Ulrich Pilster. 2019. "Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk." Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (5): 1111-1139. (Link to journal) (Appendix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel, Covadonga Meseguer, and Joseph Wright. 2018. "Remittances and Protest in Dictatorships." American Journal of Political Science, 62 (4): 889-904. (Link to journal) (Appendix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel and Daniel Krcmaric. 2017. "Dictators in Exile: Explaining the Destination of Ex-Rulers." Journal of Politics, 79 (2): 560-575. (Link to journal) (Apèndix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2017. "Foreign Direct Investment and the Risk of Regime Transition in Autocracies." Democratization, 24 (1): 61-80. (Link to journal) (Apèndix)

Balcells, Laia, Lesley Ann Daniels, and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2016. "The Determinants of Low-Intensity Intergroup Violence: The Case of Northern Ireland." Journal of Peace Research, 53 (1): 33-48. (Link to journal) (Apèndix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel and Joseph Wright. 2015. "Human Rights Prosecutions and Autocratic Survival." International Organization, 69 (2): 343-373. (Link to journal) (Apèndix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel, Covadonga Meseguer, and Joseph Wright. 2015. "Remittances and Democratization." International Studies Quarterly, 59 (3): 571-586. (Link to journal) (Apèndix)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2013. "Repression, Political Threats, and Survival under Autocracy." International Political Science Review, 34 (5): 543-560. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2013. "Accountable for What? Regime Types, Performance, and the Fate of Outgoing Dictators, 1946-2004." Democratization, 20 (1): 160-185. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2012. "Authoritarian Responses to Foreign Pressure: Spending, Repression, and Sanctions." Comparative Political Studies, 45 (6): 683-713. (Link to journal)

Wright, Joseph and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2012. "Authoritarian Institutions and Regime Survival: Transitions to Democracy and Subsequent Autocracies." British Journal of Political Science, 42 (2): 283-309. (Link to journal)

Meseguer, Covadonga and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2011. "Learning, Political Regimes and the Liberalization of Trade." European Journal of Political Research, 50 (6): 775-810. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2011. "Group Strength, Accountability and Growth under Dictatorship." International Political Science Review, 32 (1): 5-22. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch. Abel. 2010. "Autocrats' Modes of Exit, Rents, and Crisis in Africa." African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 4 (7): 272-283. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel and Joseph Wright. 2010. "Dealing with Tyranny: International Sanctions and the Survival of Authoritarian Rulers." International Studies Quarterly, 54 (2): 335-359. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2010. "Economic Sanctions and the Duration of Civil Conflicts." Journal of Peace Research, 47 (2): 129-141. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2009. "Do Authoritarian Institutions Mobilize Economic Cooperation?" Constitutional Political Economy, 20 (1): 71-93. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2008. "Maten al León. El Castigo a los Dictadores Salientes." Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 70 (3): 425-456.

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2008. "Risky Participation: Riots and Demonstrations under Dictatorial Regimes." DADOS- Revista de Ciências Sociais, 51 (3): 719-750. Title in Portuguese: "Participação Arriscada: Manifestações e Tumultos em Regimes Ditatoriais." (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2008. "El Destino de los Dictadores tras el Poder, ¿Quién y Cómo Puede Castigarlos?" Revista de Estudios Políticos, 140: 105-133. (Link to journal)

Verge, Tània and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2008. "The Multidimensionality of Political Representation: An Empirical Test on Spanish Political Parties and Voters." Representation-Journal of Representative Democracy, 44 (1): 51-68. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2007. "Economic Growth and Potential Punishment under Dictatorship." Kyklos, 60 (2): 187-210. (Link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2007. "La Economía Política de la Supervivencia de los Dictadores." Revista Española de Ciencia Política, nº16: 109-132. (link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2006. "Estructura Familiar, Estatus Ocupacional y Movilidad Social Intrageneracional en España." Revista Internacional de Sociología, vol. LXIV, nº 45: 145-170. (link to journal)

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2005. "Dictadores, Instituciones y Derechos de Propiedad." Foro Internacional, 180, XLV (2): 220-248. (Link to journal)


Capítols de llibres

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2024. “The Assassination of Autocratic Leaders.” In Natasha Lindstaedt and Jeroen Van den Bosch (eds.), Research Handbook on Authoritarianism. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Escribà-Folch, Abel and Joan C. Timoneda. 2024. “The Personalization of Power in Dictatorships." In Natasha Lindstaedt and Jeroen Van den Bosch (eds.), Research Handbook on Authoritarianism. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2021. “Violencia del Estado.” In Lesley-Ann Daniels and Martijn Vlaskamp (eds.). Violencia Política. Madrid: Tecnos. Cap. VIII.

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2016. “Los Regímenes no Democráticos.” In Mikel Barreda and Leticia M. Ruiz (eds.), Análisis de la Política: Enfoques y Herramientas de la Ciencia Política. Barcelona: Huygens Editorial. Pp. 121-140.

Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2014. "Rational Choice and Financial Complicity with Human Rights Abuses: Policy and Legal Implications." In Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky & Jernej Cernic (eds.), Making Sovereign Financing and Human Rights Work. Hart Publishing. Pp. 17-32.

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2014. "Accountable for What? Regime Types, Performance, and the Fate of Outgoing Dictators, 1946-2004." In Croissant, Aurel, Steffen Kailitz, Patrick Köllner, and Stefan Wurster (eds.), Comparing Autocracies in the Early Twenty-first Century, Vol. 2: The Performance and Persistence of Autocracies. Abingdon/New York: Routledge. Pp. 180-205.


Working Papers

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2003. "Legislatures in Authoritarian Regimes". Estudios/ Working Papers 2003/196. CEACS, Instituto Juan March de Estudios e Investigaciones (Madrid). (Link to paper)

Escribà-Folch, Abel and Joseph Wright. 2008. "Dealing with Tyranny: International Sanctions and Autocrats' Duration". IBEI Working Papers 2008/16. Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals.

Escribà-Folch, Abel. 2009 "Authoritarian Responses to Foreign Pressure: Spending, Repression, and Sanctions." IBEI Working Papers 2009/21. Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals.

Wright, Joseph and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2009. "Are Dictators Immune to Human Rights Shaming?" IBEI Working Papers 2009/25. Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals. (Link to paper)

Meseguer, Covadonga and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2009. "Learning, Political Regimes and the Liberalization of Trade." Documento de Trabajo nº 192. División de Estudios Internacionales, CIDE (México).

Balcells, Laia, Lesley Ann Daniels, and Abel Escribà-Folch. 2014. "The Determinants of Low-Intensity Intergroup Violence. The Case of Northern Ireland." Households in Conflict Network Working Paper 190.