A career in the background

We at the Career Services want to promote your professional skills, teach you how to design job search strategies and internships, show you how selection processes work and prepare you to enter the working world.

That’s why every semester we organise free activities such as group sessions taught by experts that will help guide your career to professional success.

In addition, if you are a student and participate in these activities, you can apply for the recognition of ECTS credits in your transcript. Learn about the steps for incorporating credits.



  • You can apply for between 1 and 6 ECTS credits throughout the degree. In order to obtain 1 credit, you must attend a minimum of 4 activities. In the case of multi-session courses of a minimum of 4 sessions, recognition of 1 credit may be requested as long as all sessions have been attended.
  • The Career Services checks attendance at activities. For those sessions that are in virtual format, it will be necessary to register in advance, log in throughout the session and state the name and surname.
  • All activities are eligible for ECTS credits, except the UPFeina job fair, talent forums, career opportunities, activities organized in the framework of a subject and Eutopia alliance and individual career guidance sessions.


> Discover your professional value

To achieve your goals, get to know yourself, set professional goals and create your own action plan with certified professionals.


> Learn about job market opportunities

Discover the job opportunities by participating in international mobility activities and professional outings, speed job dating and our job fair, UPFeina.


> Succeed with your candidacy

Get closer to job market opportunities by learning about the best strategies, channels and tools: preparing CVs and cover letters, managing your LinkedIn profile, networking strategies and sessions on new job search channels and personal brand management.


> Train in the key professional skills

Train in cross-cutting skills or ‘soft skills’: the ones most valued by the job market, such as teamwork, leadership, communication, interculturality, negotiation and others. 


If you want to put into practice the skills acquired in one of the sessions and you do not know how to do it, or you need to reorient yourself professionally, ask for an appointment with the career advicing team. Our advisors will help you define your professional goals and provide you with strategies, skills and resources.

Remember, too, that you can check out the full schedule of activities on the website and that you can subscribe to the newsletter to receive all the Career Service’s news by email.