Atrás Panel on AI in the Barcelona Summer School on Higher Education Policy and Management

Panel on AI in the Barcelona Summer School on Higher Education Policy and Management


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Davinia Hernández-Leo (from TIDE research group, TESI research unit, and CeSANI center at UPF) participated as a speaker in the panel from “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Institutions: impacts on management, teaching and learning, and research and innovation” as part of the Barcelona Summer School on Higher Education Policy and Management, Training Professionals to Lead Innovative Institutions, 18th - 21st June 2024 in Barcelona, organized by GUNI, the Global University Network for Innovation

The panel was at ALBA Synchrotron and shared with Karina Gibert (director of Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEA) at UPC) and facilitated by with Carles Sierra (Director of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) at CSIC).



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