+RAINSIGHT: Research, Narrative, Ethics and Generative AI Industries



+RAINSIGHT, held on June 11, brought together leading research and industry profiles in generative AI. It addresses issues related to the narrative capabilities of this technology, and discusses the implications of AI at ethical, social, cultural, ecological, political and economic levels. Participants include Shyam Sundar, Marcelo Bertalmío, Christian Canton, Carlos Castillo and Rachel Falconer.



FEST: Colloquium with filmmakers



In this video you can catch up with Rachel Maclean, Rucha Thigale, Pauline Blanchet, Jimena Aguilar, Tomáš Rampula, Anna Halbleib, Maria Than, Joris Mezouar and Jonas Sanson, the filmmakers of the selected films of this edition of +RAIN.



+RAINNOVA: Creation, Experimentation and Production with Generative AI



+RAINNOVA, held on June 12, is conceived as a space for the presentation of projects and developments in the process of creation, as well as experimental testing of generative AI technological solutions applied to ideation, production and audiovisual editing. Carme Puche, Sergio Álvarez-Napagao, Jorge Caballero, Andrés Bartos, Lucija Stojevic, Claudio Celis Bueno, Jordi Pons and Victor Pérez.



FEST: Experimentation with HuggingFace



In this video you can retrieve the live piece that took place on June 12 as part of FEST, which experiments with Hugging Face technology to generate AI in real time. The artists Laura Ginés, Martina Rogers, Carolina Torres and Apolinário Passos (Hugging Face) participate in it.



SUMMIT: Cinema & AI and Blockchain



These sessions are intended to encourage interaction between entrepreneurs, creators, investors, accelerators and incubators and professionals in these industries. A space for new relationships, initiatives, proposals and projects to emerge. In Cinema & AI and Blockchain participate Todd Yelin, Griselda Vilar, Alexandra Cavero, Mani Martínez, Nadia Piet, Apolinario Passos and Mads Damsbo.



SUMMIT: Expanded Media



These sessions are intended to encourage interaction between entrepreneurs, creators, investors, accelerators and incubators and professionals in these industries. A space for new relationships, initiatives, proposals and projects to emerge. In Expanded Media participate Anna Carreras, Varvara Guljajeva, Mar Canet, Antoni Abad, Lino García Morales, Florian Weigl and Patrícia Falcão.





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