Doctoral Dissertations

The project welcomes students from two doctoral programs at Pompeu Fabra University, Doctorate in Humanities and Doctorate in Translation and Language Sciences. The following doctoral theses are carried out within the framework of the INCLU-LINGUAM project:

  • Doctoral dissertation by SOCORRO IBÁÑEZ with a pre-doctoral contract (2019) who began her doctoral studies in 2020, with the tentative title Undergraduate Students' EFL Self-Concept at a Multilingual, Multicultural University. Thesis director: Mireia Trenchs Parera. Thesis proyect defended on June 28th, 2021. This thesis started within the framework of the TRANSLINGUAM-UNI project.
  • Doctoral dissertation by ANASTASIA KULYIAGINA, who began her PhD studies in 2020. Doctorate in Translation and Language Ciencies, UPF, with the tentative title Pragmatic strategies in the internationalised classroom: Exploring speech act production in computer-mediated communication. Thesis director: Ariadna Sánchez Hernández. Thesis project defended on May 19th, 2021. This thesis started within the framework of the TRANSLINGUAM-UNI project.

MIGUEL GUISANTES, PhD student from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, enjoys his predoctoral study abroad within the group GREILI. During his stay he is getting acquainted with the project’s methodology.

Postdoctoral training

MARIA ANTÓN ÁLVAREZ DE CIENFUEGOS will carry out her postdoctoral contract with INVESTIGO funding within the project. 

SOFIA MORATINOS, instructor at Universitat de les Illes Balears and project researcher, will do a postdoctoral research stay at the UPF's GREILI research group in the spring of 2024.

Undergraduate training

PAULA CAPÓ GARAU, fourth-year student of the BA Degree in English Studies at Universitat de les Illes Balears, has completed her BA Final Research Project and write her BA Final Thesis within the project's objectives. The thesis, directed by Dr. Joana Salazar, is Special Educational Needs: A Focus on Secondary Education Language Teachers with ADHD Students  (defense: June 2024).  

Methodological training

GREILI-UPF and ALLENCAM research groups recommend and offer training added to UPF PhD programmes for the development of doctoral dissertations within the INCLU-LINGUAM Project.