German certifying exam

Certify your German level at UPF!

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What is the PCCL?

A language test designed and administered by the UPF's language service. The candidates, according to their results, will obtain a B1 (threshold), B2 (vantage) or C1 (effective operational proficiency level) CEFR certificate. The exam assesses grammar and vocabulary, reading, writing and speaking.

The PCCL certifies B1, B2 and C1 levels in the language you take the test in, and is mostly used in a university context. If the intended use is outside of this setting, please contact organization or company requiring this certification to ensure this certificate is valid.



  • Levels: B1 - B2 - C1
  • Registration period: Open until a week before the date of the test
  • Location: Ciutadella Campus
  • Calendar: 5 exam sessions per academic year
  • ECTS credits for UPF students: 6 ECTS credits (see here RAC regulations)
  • UPF certificate: Idiomes UPF certificate indicating the CEFR level obtained. With the B2 or C1 CEFR certificate of English, French, German or Italian, you can get a €75 refund if you are taking your degree at a Catalan university (PARLA3 grants).
  • Who can take this test: UPF Community members (students, teachers, etc.) and the general public over the age of 16


Fee for the test: €75

PARLA3 grants

Undergraduate students who obtain an English, German, French or Italian certificate of level B2 CEFR or higher will be able to ask for a PARLA3 grant and obtain a reimbursement of €75 according to the current regulation.


PCCL calls for the 2022-2023 academic year


Check the calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year.



IMPORTANT! In the event that you are a student with special educational needs and require adaptations in the exams, you must inform us at the time of registration by sending a message to [email protected]. Failure to have the information in sufficient time may lead to the non-application of the requested adaptations.

Refunds: the fee for the PCCL will not be refunded under any circumstance.

In order to register for the test, select the code [1715 - PCCL GERMAN] on the enrolment page, indicating the corresponding language and exam date, and make the payment online following the instructions:


If you have any doubts, contact us