Back Statement by Pompeu Fabra University in response to the massacre in Gaza

Statement by Pompeu Fabra University in response to the massacre in Gaza



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Pompeu Fabra University is firmly committed to peace and to the observance of human rights and international law.

Pompeu Fabra University also wishes to show its support for the university communities in war-torn countries. Universities and scientific institutions are more necessary than ever in these territories. Access to education and the promotion of critical thinking, within the framework of robust and independent institutions, are the way to guarantee informed debate and reflection, which can open the door to new solutions. However, we must remain vigilant about how our academic activities and collaborations can end up supporting oppression and the systematic violation of human rights, including genocide and apartheid.

The promotion of peace and progress in solidarity is a fundamental pillar of the University, as established in our Statutes. After eight months of relentless attacks against the civilian population of Gaza, UPF maintains the strongest condemnation of the situation and remains convinced that the systematic violation of human rights and international law is a limit that cannot be crossed under any circumstances. We also note, in particular, the interim measures that the International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to take on the basis of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

For all these reasons, the Board of Governors of UPF demands:

  1. Respect for international humanitarian law and compliance with UN resolutions calling on the state of Israel to take the necessary measures to prevent the massacre.
  2. Immediate and permanent ceasefire and a halt to both the siege of civilians and any other action that may constitute or contribute to crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide.
  3. The release of all abducted and imprisoned persons.
  4. The end of the blockade and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.
  5. The defence, by the Spanish government and the Generalitat de Catalunya, of compliance with international law, and the breaking of relations with those actors that do not comply with it, rejecting any military cooperation with Israel and applying universal justice in matters of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. And in the specific case of the Spanish state, to actively participate in initiatives promoted by the international community in this regard.

In parallel, Pompeu Fabra University announces that:

  1. It will call on the European Union to immediately suspend and block all EU-funded projects involving Israeli institutions that explicitly or through specific programmes or initiatives support the activities of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.
  2. It will not give institutional support to new academic cooperation projects with Israeli universities that, explicitly or through specific programmes or initiatives, support the activities of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip. It will only keep active those projects that are underway in this geographic area and that include and benefit populations from several countries.

  3. It will not establish new student mobility agreements with Israeli universities, nor renew existing mobility agreements with those universities which, either explicitly or through specific programmes or initiatives, support the activities of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.

  4. It will ratify the current policy of not maintaining institutional or cooperative relations with Israeli governmental institutions, nor with other Israeli institutions that do not explicitly call for a cease-fire.
  5. It will regularly monitor and, if necessary, take action on student mobility agreements with foreign universities in areas where crimes against humanity and systematic violations of human rights are taking place, both in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
  6. It will ensure that the UPF's refuge fund is used to accommodate victims of the situation in Gaza, both for students and for lecturers or workers from universities affected by the conflict. It will also mobilize available resources to support the Palestinian educational community, updating and extending mobility and research agreements. It will also streamline research and teaching collaboration agreements with Palestinian universities and campuses. In addition, UPF will actively explore other ways to support the Palestinian educational and scientific community.
  7. It will continue to work within the framework of the UPF community, as well as the different university associations and networks of which it is a member, to denounce human rights violations and promote peace.



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