Sota el segell del NODE UPF la Universitat presenta totes les a activitats que fa de transferència de coneixement per posar en valor i donar a conèixer la UPF com a universitat altament compromesa amb l’entorn social i econòmic, que posa el seu potencial de recerca i de talent al servei del desenvolupament i el creixement econòmic del país.

Back UPF, ranked 12th worldwide among the top universities under 50 years old

UPF, ranked 12th worldwide among the top universities under 50 years old

The University will host the 2016 Times Higher Education Young Universities Summit, as part of its 25th anniversary activities.


The Times Higher Education (THE) supplement, which produces one of the world's most prestigious and influential university rankings, has published the fourth edition of  the "100 Under 50" ranking, a list of the Top 100 universities in the world under 50 years old. UPF is ranked 12th worldwide, 5th in Europe and 1st in Spain, which means that the University has improved its position compared to the previous ranking (table 1).


Table 1. UPF's evolution in the "100 Under 50" Times Higher Education ranking

2015 2014 2013
Spain Europe Worldwide Spain Europe Worldwide Spain Europe Worldwide
1st 5th 12th 1st 7th 13th 2nd 13th 25th

Source: own source

Table 2 shows the results of the '100 Under 50' ranking.

Table 2. Top 15 best young universities according to Times Higher Education ranking  

2015 ranking
Year of foundation Institution Country / Region
1st 1969 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
2nd 1986 Pohang University of Science and Technology South Korea
3rd 1971 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
South Korea
4th 1991 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong
5th 1991 Nanyang Technological University Singapore
6th 1976 Maastricht University Netherlands
7th 1965 University of California, Irvine United States
8th 1965 University of California, Santa Cruz United States
9th 1965 University of Warwick United Kingdom
10th 1971 Paris-Sud University France
11th 1971 Pierre and Marie Curie University France
12th 1990 Pompeu Fabra University Spain
13th 1996 Sabancı University Turkey
14th 1984 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
15th 1967 Ulm University Germany

Source: Times Higher Education 2015

The ranking results have been announced during the 2015 Times Higher Education Young Universities Summit, hosted by Dublin City University. During the event, Phil Baty, the ranking editor, has also announced that UPF will host the next summit, to be held in Barcelona on the 6 th and 7 th of April 2016.

The closing session of the 2015 summit will take place on the 30 th of April and will feature the participation of the UPF Rector, Jaume Casals, who has praised the fact to host the 2016 summit: "For UPF, hosting this summit is an excellent opportunity not only to contribute to the international projection of the University, but also to increase the collective awareness and to improve the public perception about the truly mission that we all have both in a university such as ours and, in general, in young universities. The summit has to become the space for these institutions to discuss the challenges and opportunities we will have to face in the coming years".

This activity takes place within the UPF 25th anniversary celebration. During the following 2015-2016 academic year, the University will organise a full range of activities around three focus of major relevance for the University's future: internationalization, alumni and the public presentation of the UPF Strategic Plan.


Six Spanish universities in the ranking

By countries, Australia is the one that has more universities in the Top 100 (16), closely followed by the United Kingdom (15) and, a bit further behind, by Germany (7), the United States (7), Spain (6) and France (5).

The six Spanish universities which are better classified are as follows: UPF (ranked 12th), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (29th), the Autonomous University of Madrid (46th), Rovira i Virgili University (80th), the University of Vigo (88th) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (97).


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