Alois M. Haas in Uitikon, Switzerland (2003)


The Haas Library includes approximately 40,000 works donated by the eminent Germanist and scholar of Mysticism Alois M. Haas (Zurich, 1934) between 2001 and 2019. The main topics of this library are theology, philosophy, aesthetics and Art theory, and philology. It is currently one of the most requested book collections of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra through the interlibrary loan service.

The Haas Library is to be found in the library of the UPF, at the Water Tower Building (Dipòsit de les Aigües), Arts & Craft building with impressive arches built by Josep Fontserè (1880) and rehabilitated by Lluís Clotet and Ignacio Paricio (1999).

In 2013 the catalog Selected Works of the Haas Library is published. It reveals the thematic richness and uniqueness of the library.

Browse the Haas Collection in the UPFinder. Suggested Keywords: Philosophie, Theologie, Mysticism