Back Presentation of the “Principios de buenas prácticas sobre la comunicación científica y la Inteligencia Artificial” at the International Congress

Presentation of the “Principios de buenas prácticas sobre la comunicación científica y la Inteligencia Artificial” at the International Congress

We travelled to Sevilla to share this document developed through a co-creative and participatory process.



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From 15 to 17 May 2024 the V International Congress on Social Movements and ICTs has been held at the University of Sevilla. Núria Saladié, PhD student at the Science, Communication and Society Studies Centre at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (SCS-UPF), has presented the participatory document “Principios de buenas prácticas sobre la comunicación científica y la Inteligencia Artificial” (“Principles of good practices for science communication and artificial intelligence”) at the congress.

Núria spoke about this CCS-UPF initiative, which facilitated the co-creation of a decalogue to guide the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the practice of science communication. 

More than 125 professionals from our sector, both from Spain and Latin America, have participated in the development of these principles, which are available in the open repository Zenodo.

We encourage the entire science communication community to adhere to these principles by using this form

In the same session of the conference, three other speakers presented their initiatives. They talked about the use of artificial intelligence in local democracy, the use of hashtags in X (formerly Twitter) for gender equality, and the representation of black women in Portuguese series on Netflix.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
