The impact of AI on Political Communication

Go to the notice Watch the video of the workshop

New report of the UPF - Ideograma Chair

See the news Go to the report

Presentation of the study on seniors and credibility at the webinar organized by the Generational Digital Gap Chair

Go to the notice See the webinar

'La biografía en Comunicación Política' by Santiago Castelo

Presentation of the first book by Santiago Castelo, accompanied by the journalist Isabel García Pagan and the writer Jordi Amat

Check the new See the book

Ideograma-UPF Chair in Political Communication and Democracy

The Ideograma-UPF Chair in Political Communication and Democracy is an ideal way to formalize a qualified, extensive and lasting collaboration between UPF and Ideograma, strengthening the university's relations with its socioeconomic and technological environment and increasing, with the collaboration of the company, the range of activities and research in this field of knowledge. [More information]


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Aleix Martí Danés

Roc Boronat building (Poblenou campus)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona

 [+34] 935 422 344

[email protected]

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