Making decisions about your professional future is not easy. But we at the Career Services can help you design your professional journey. We want to make the path to employment easier for you!

Through individual guidance sessions, the guidance team helps you define your professional goals. It provides and facilitates strategies, skills and resources and advises you on how to design a good CV, prepare for an interview and make professional and personal decisions.

The guidance sessions are aimed at UPF students and graduates who are interested in accessing the job market but who need some advice to guide their career.

In addition to these sessions, we also offer group activities to help you develop your career and we provide you a whole series of articles so that you can prepare yourself.


How can we help you?

Icona en blanc i negre d'una llista de coses per fer. Defining goals and job search strategies

Do you already know where you would like to work? Do you know where to start looking for work? We offer 40-minute sessions to help you define your professional goals, through resources for self-awareness and knowledge of the job market. And, to start moving towards your goals, we help you to choose the most appropiate channels and strategies in each case. 


icona en blanc i negre d'una pantalla d'ordinador amb diferents eines.   Job hunting tools

If you already know where you want to go and you have a clear goal, we offer 20-minute sessions in which we will help you define a good job search strategy and improve your main tools: CV, cover letter and/or LinkedIn profile.


icona en blanc i negre de dues persones fent una entrevista de treball. Interview preparation

We offer 40-minute sessions in which we simulate a standard interview according to the requirements of your next job or internship offer so that you can successfully pass the selection processes!


Ask for a date


Now you can ask for a date to orientate yourself professionally with your colleagues.

Ask for a date

Initial resources for guidance